In line with the goals of the Dyscalculia Association, Dyscalculia Academy Journal focuses on to raise awareness of dyscalculia, the causes of dyscalculia, and diagnostic methods in the society and the education community, to ensure that current educational interventions are known for students with dyscalculia and low-achieving students in mathematics, to develop educational intervention methods for students with dyscalculia and low-achieving students in mathematics, and to help these students to develop mathematical skills.
The following topics are in the scope of the Dyscalculia Academy Journal:
• Studies analyzing the main problems and practices of students with mathematics learning difficulties and low achievement in mathematics in pre-school, primary, secondary, and high school level,
• Studies about developing skills and educational strategies of professionals or educators who actively help and work individuals with mathematics learning difficulties,
• Studies aimed at pre-service teachers who would contribute to the development of students with mathematics learning difficulties and low achievement in mathematics as more qualified teachers;
• Studies involving meta-analysis, content analysis, profile analysis, and studies involving large research groups or samples,
• Studies that may affect the personal, educational, and social development and career planning of students with mathematics learning difficulties at pre-school, primary, secondary, and high school levels,
• Theoretical or applied studies that develop and evaluate a new educational model for mathematics learning difficulties;
• Studies that develop and support the parents’ involvement whose children have learning difficulties or are low achievers in mathematics,
• Multidisciplinary studies including disciplines such as special education, mathematics education, educational psychology, and educational neuroscience,
• Studies in which educational instruments are developed and tested in terms of applicability, validity, and reliability for individuals with mathematics learning difficulties or are low achievers in mathematics,
• Technology integration studies that help to develop mathematics education applications for students have mathematics learning difficulties or are low achievers in mathematics.